Last week’s episode was caught on camera, so now you can watch while you listen:
Last week’s episode was caught on camera, so now you can watch while you listen:
On TMI’s most in-depth single interview to date, we discuss Thomas Frank’s latest book, “The People, No – A Brief History of Anti-Populism”, a revealing look at how unjustly vilified the notion has become of the people standing up and banding together to see that their needs are addressed as much as the needs of the elites are. Thomas and I go deep into the subject, exploring the fascinating connection between the nascent People’s Party of the late 1800’s to the Bernie Sanders movement, as well as the forces that aligned against BOTH. You don’t want to miss a minute of the episode of TMI for Friday, November 27, 2020, so listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!
With the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it was alarming to see minorities of various kinds being blamed for how close it got in many states between Trump and Biden, as well as for the Senate losses that had been predicted to go the other way. We dissect this, and show just how distorted this kind of blame is, and where it actually belongs.
Then, I go over a new COVID-19 hotline for the city of Madison, one that helps people navigate the financial difficulties the pandemic has wrought. Next, we discuss an alarming symptom of the pandemic that is only now being properly studied: cognitive impairment or “brain fog”. Finally, we go over just how tough a fight we have ahead of us, as Joe Biden’s history shows him to be ill-equipped to handle this moment in history. That means we’ll have to be prepared to make as many end-runs around him and his administration as we can to get things done. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 20, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!
On this episode of TMI:
Homelessness plagues America, and Madison, Wisconsin is no exception to the issue. Candidates and office-holders bemoan the problem, but a true SOLUTION is being put forward by Occupy Madison. Brenda Konkel joins us to share what OM’s plans are for their SECOND Tiny Home village, an improvement over their already successful FIRST one – listen in, and find out what it means to take action!
Then – it’s known that the longer money stays within a community, the better that community does financially. While a dollar spent in the white-owned economy stays active for weeks, a dollar spent in the black community leaves within just six hours. Enter Killer Mike and his backers, creating Greenwood Bank, a black-owned institution that will help give black and latinx people an even playing field in the economy.
Finally, we hear about how important “swing states” are in the Presidential election, but we don’t often explore how polluted with misinformation these places can be. We explore this, and much more on TMI for Friday, October 16, 2020! Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!
By now, the world has heard about the shooting of Jacob Blake seven times in the back, but of course, the facts surrounding it have already been spun by people trying to justify the murderous actions of the Kenosha officer and the 17 year old vigilante just days later. To combat that, we go through a complete timeline of the actual facts on hand, so be sure to listen in so you don’t get sucked into a false narrative.
Then, almost as if an illustration of last episode’s “Mama Ain’t Happy” segment, Hurricane Laura came sweeping in over western Louisiana and up into Arkansas. We recount what happened and how truly historic this storm was, the strongest to hit Louisiana in over a century and a half!
Finally, we go over a new NPR/Ipsos poll and challenge the common media spin on it, that somehow it shows that the George Floyd protests have been ineffective. Reading the actual data makes it clear that this is far from the truth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 28, 2020, broadcast at 5pm on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, and streamed simultaneously via – but you can hear it here, now! Listen in:
On this week’s TMI with Aldous Tyler:
Fossil fuel giant Chevron has found an Orwellian way to connect sunshine with drilling fracking wells– so much so, that I’m dubbing them “OrWells”. Friend of the show Steve Horn returns to fill in the maddening details on that story as well as how a California official got in trouble for wanting to “block out the Sun” and finally how prisoner firefighters might get their due for their unrewarding work to keep us safe, all stories Steve broke on The Real News Network in the past week!
Then, we discuss how barely over half of the potential voters who are impoverished and low-wage came out to vote in 2016, and how this bloc of voters can easily swing the tide of the all-important Senate battle in November.
Finally, we give credit where due to a wonderful victory, congratulating Cori Bush on defeating an incumbent whose family occupied the Congressional seat for over 50 years. All that and more was on TMI for Friday, August 14th, which aired 5PM Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison! Listen in and lock on to the Cure for the Common Media.
If you feel that no label has quite fit how you feel about your gender or sexual identity, we run through over 30 that are custom made BY and FOR the people they describe. Listen and feel reconnected to humanity.
Then we talk to Preston Scott Smith of the March Against Biden, an event happening in over 20 locations tomorrow, August 8th and again a week later on August 15th, as well as virtual events. It’s not a pro-Trump event AT ALL – it BEGS the DNC to do something different in order to actually DEFEAT Trump. Check out the interview!
Finally, we talk about how Amnesty International has dinged a nation very familiar to you with well over 100 human rights violations in a span of under two weeks, and how that adds to the woes being faced at getting an important segment of the vote ready for November.
All that and more was on TMI for Friday, August 7, 2020, at 5PM Central on 91.7FM WSUM in Madison and streamed at EVERYWHERE.
Here’s the full episode – listen now:
Tonight’s episode has three topics for your enjoyment: first up, we expose something you know in a way you’ve never thought about it before; then at 10:00, we talk about billionaire cannibals; finally at 21:30, we discuss how those of us who fight for equality might help the cause, by lowering resistance to the idea. Listen in!