Big Oil BLM Climate Corporate Malfeasance Derek Chauvin disinformation George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/28/2021 – Policing by Race One Year After George Floyd, How To Think Creatively, ExxonMobil Forced to Go Greener

A full year after the murder of George Floyd by a sadistic police officer, we look at the state of policing in America by race: has it changed? What has been attempted in the meantime? How far do we have to go?

Then, there have been studies done on how creative thinking works: sure some are more talented than others, but there’s a definite skill to it, and that skill can be TAUGHT. Find out! Finally, Oil Giant ExxonMobil was forced by Engine No. 1, an activist hedge fund, to accept several environmentally friendly board members. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, May 28, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

AI Artificial Intelligence COVID-19 Episode Equality Geriatric Influenza Millennials misinformation Science WSUM

TMI 05/21/2021 – AI Goes to College, Millennials Become Geriatric, How Old Science Helped COVID Kill

AI – artificial intelligence – is an amazing tool, yet still in its infancy as far as development goes. You’d think that might give people pause before using it on life-changing decisions like who gets accepted to a college or university, but this (and far more) is precisely what we’ve discovered it is being used for. We discuss.

Then: Just as soon as Millennials became old enough that it could no longer be denied they should be considered the mainstream voice of power, along comes the term “geriatric millennial” to describe the older portion of the generation, delegitimizing them as being “out of touch” with the rest of their cohort. Aldous, a Gen X-er, takes a stand for his younger folk against those who would hold power away from those who should now have it.

Finally, we discover that there’s been a quiet war in the scientific medical community when it comes to the term “airborne” over the past year, based on a mis-reading of research written over 50 years ago! We discuss how that allowed COVID-19 to be far deadlier than it needed to be and how the mainstream scientific community is still only RELUCTANTLY embracing the discovery of the error. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 21, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 Episode Israel MDMA Palestine PTSD Seychelles WSUM

TMI 05/14/2021 – The World’s Most Vaccinated Nation Goes Back Into Lockdown, PTSD Meets Its Match in MDMA, The Current State of Israel/Palestine

We all should be getting vaccinated against COVID-19, without a doubt, but what do you do when you have over 99% of your population fully vaccinated and yet are still facing a growing resurgence of COVID-19? That’s what he nearly 100,000 people in Seychelles are having to ask themselves. We discuss how this came to be.

Next, we talk about how new studies are showing that the once-indomitable psychological force of PTSD can be tamed with proper therapeutic use of MDMA. Finally, we outline the current situation in the Israel/Palestine conflict. All this and much more on TMI for Friday May 14, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Election Integrity Episode Equality Homelessness House of Representatives SCOTUS Sociology White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/07/2021 – How Madison Can Cross the “Finnish” Line with the Homeless, How White Male Supreme Court Clerks Make a Less Representational Justice System, and How The House of Reps Needs More Reps

Madison, like many cities, struggles with how to solve its homelessness problem. Especially in the brutal Wisconsin winters, we don’t want people to freeze to death, but we need to be able to afford the solution. Finland knows a thing or two about Winter AND about homelessness, and their solution: make giving the homeless housing the FIRST thing you do, not third or fourth step down the line. While not cheap, it is far more affordable than any other approach, and actually STOPS homelessness.

Next, we look at the hoops one has to jump through to be a Clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States. These obstacles are making it more difficult for women and minorities to achieve this goal, and thus making the high court Judges and Justices that are often chosen from these clerkships more white and male. Finally, with the 2020 Census fully tabulated, we have the decennial struggle for which states will lose or gain seats in the House – but no one should be losing any, given that there’s no Constitutional reason to have the number of Representatives frozen. All that and more on TMI for Friday, May 7th, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!