Bill McKibben Black History Environmental Disruption Episode ESG Green Earth Satellites Wall Street WSUM

TMI 02/23/2024 – Black History Month Encompasses Further Back than 1865 or Even 1619, Earth is Getting Greener in a Bad Way, The Backlash to ESG Investing and How We Will Win Anyway and more

Black History Month often gives us memes and reminders of how Black people have contributed to the United States that we know today, but it encompassess much more than we often get. Black history, properly understood, shows that Black people haven’t merely “contributed”, but that their lives and efforts have been FOUNDATIONAL to the nation and the world we know today, going back much further than just the end of the Civil War or even the first African slaves brought to the English settlement of Jamestown – they had been here earlier than that!

Next, we see that, from the perspective of satellites orbiting our world, the Earth has been getting notably greener in color over the past few decades. We go over how, counterintuitively, this isn’t a good sign for our environment. Finally, Bill McKibben has posted how ESG investments are experiencing a backlash, but as he sees it, we will win in the end. Catch all of this and more on TMI for Friday, February 23, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Corporate Malfeasance Disenfranchisement Episode Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Memo Racism Voting Rights Act WSUM

TMI 02/16/2024 – Four Key Ways That the Voting Rights Act Will Be Under Attack in 2024, Presidential Memo from the 1960s Shows How Long the Climate Has Been in Crisis and more

The Voting Rights Act has been the bane of racists in the United States since its inception, helping drive the Dixiecrats into the Republican Party some 60 years ago. It’s no surprise, then, that the GOP and its allies have been attacking it relentlessly at every opportunity, and looking at the 2024 judicial calendar, we shine a light on four key ways that the VRA is in jeopardy this year.

Then, we go over how a Presidential memo just uncovered from the 1960s clearly outlines how long the highest office in the land has known about the dangers facing the world’s climate. We look at all of this and more TMI for Friday, February 16, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Black History Crime-free Episode Homelessness Landlords Nuisance Laws WSUM Zoning Laws

TMI 02/09/2024 – Are We Failing the Lessons of Black History Month by Using Zoning and “Crime-Free” Laws to Increase Homelessness Among People of Color?

We look back as recently as 1964 in Black History and see drinking fountains marked “colored” and “whites”, and tsk at such blatant symbols of racial oppression. But the times haven’t changed as much as one might hope. People of color are frequently among the homeless that many cities attempt to banish by using zoning laws capriciously against churches who are trying to house and feed them. Worse, we see that laws against “nuisance” tenants in order to create “crime-free” communities are often adopted when people of color move into those places, forcing landlords to screen out or evict people of color, exacerbating the issue. Today’s present becomes the Black History of tomorrow. We look at all of this and more TMI for Friday, February 09, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

disinformation Election Integrity Episode Media misinformation Palestine Peter B. Collins Ukraine Vladimir Putin WSUM YouTube

TMI 02/02/2024 – Interview with Peter B. Collins on the State of the Media (Including YouTube) : How It Is Failing to Present the Truth and more

On this episode, we welcome back Peter B. Collins, legendary talk radio host and media analyst, who goes over the state of the media that we are contending with in reporting on such topics as real voter suppression (NOT the MAGA “Stop the Steal” nonsense, which YouTube refuses to recognize is different), the war started by Putin in Ukraine, the continued genocide in Palestine that began well before October of 2023, and much, much more. Peter’s own podcast archives have a true wealth of well-researched and sourced information at and we invite you to inform and enrich yourself by partaking of the bounty!

All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 02, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!