Antitrust Best of TMI Climate disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Elon Musk Episode Georgia Google Greg Palast Matt Stoller misinformation Monopoly Plantzma Science Turkey Türkiye WSUM

TMI 08/23/2024 – BEST OF TMI: Musk and Trump Botch the Climate, Palast Alerts Us to Georgia Legalizing Vote Non-certification, Stoller Examines Google’s Search Antitrust Loss, Teens Use Plasma To Boost Crops, more


When men as rich and powerful as Elon Musk and Donald Trump decide to have a conversation and invite the world to listen in, it’s a good idea to check in and see what their vision is for the world we have to share with these reckless giants. On just about every front, it’s not good, and with climate concerns in particular, Bill McKibben noted several especially alarming points to bring to your attention – we spend a moment to share his concerns with you. Then, we take a look at reporting from the inimitable Greg Palast on how Georgia has paved the way to legally refuse to certify election results from its own counties, and that the certification of the 2020 slate of votes by Atlanta’s Fulton County wouldn’t have been certified under this new “quiet coup” technique.

Next, Matt Stoller dives into the recent antitrust loss Google took in court regarding its monopoly on search. This seemingly-trivial decision is going to result in changes to everything we know about online and business practices for decades, so listen in. Finally, we briefly check in with a group of teens who invented a way to use plasma to supercharge seeds and water for tremendous boosts in crop yields virtually anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 23, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antitrust Climate disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Elon Musk Episode Georgia Google Greg Palast Matt Stoller misinformation Monopoly Plantzma Science Turkey Türkiye WSUM

TMI 08/16/2024 – Musk and Trump Botch the Climate, Palast Alerts Us to Georgia Legalizing Vote Non-certification, Stoller Examines Google’s Search Antitrust Loss, Teens Use Plasma To Boost Crops, more

When men as rich and powerful as Elon Musk and Donald Trump decide to have a conversation and invite the world to listen in, it’s a good idea to check in and see what their vision is for the world we have to share with these reckless giants. On just about every front, it’s not good, and with climate concerns in particular, Bill McKibben noted several especially alarming points to bring to your attention – we spend a moment to share his concerns with you. Then, we take a look at reporting from the inimitable Greg Palast on how Georgia has paved the way to legally refuse to certify election results from its own counties, and that the certification of the 2020 slate of votes by Atlanta’s Fulton County wouldn’t have been certified under this new “quiet coup” technique.

Next, Matt Stoller dives into the recent antitrust loss Google took in court regarding its monopoly on search. This seemingly-trivial decision is going to result in changes to everything we know about online and business practices for decades, so listen in. Finally, we briefly check in with a group of teens who invented a way to use plasma to supercharge seeds and water for tremendous boosts in crop yields virtually anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 16, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antitrust Big Oil Big Pharma Climate Climate Lawsuits Cognition Conspiracy theories Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Drug Prices Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Jessica Wildfire Joan Hunter Iovino Kamala Harris Mental Health misinformation OK Doomer Presidential Politics Stress WSUM

TMI 07/26/2024 – Untangling Biden Stopping Re-election, A Look at Who Kamala Harris Is, Politically, Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire Provide Separate Insights on the Mental Health Crisis, more

This week on TMI, we get a thorough look at how Joe Biden stepped down from being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for President, as well as why. In an era where one incumbent president attempted a fascist coup to stay in office, it is a stark and welcome contrast to see another who will step aside willingly for the greater good.

Next, we take a dive into Kamala Harris’ political background and show what she’s fought for in the environment, monopoly and racial justice arenas. No small amount of what you’ve heard about her may be false. Finally, we have Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire contributing different-yet-compatible perspectives on how the “mental health crisis” we find ourselves in might be a sane reaction to insane times. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

ABC Australia Antitrust Carbon Footprint Cars Climate Electric Vehicles Episode Internal Combustion Engine Joe Biden Monopoly Political Language Ron Johnson Russ Feingold WSUM

TMI 05/31/2024 – Joe Biden is Running Away From How He Fights Monopoly Power and That Could Cost Him Like it Did Feingold, The Real Carbon Footprint of EVs Versus Internal Combustion Cars and more

President Joe Biden’s administration has taken numerous steps to fight monopoly power in the interest of the people, but at almost every turn, the White House Communications team refuses to comment on these positions and accomplishments, making it look like Biden is doing nothing for we, the people. The distinguished progressive Senator Russ Feingold lost re-election in 2010 with a similar “run away from your progressive bona fides” strategy – it might cost Biden similarly.

Next, leave it to the ABC Network of Australia, but they’ve broken down the exact carbon footprint differences between EVs and Internal Combustion Engine cars from manufacturing and materials, fuel/energy sourcing and use through their lifetime and finally into disposal – you’ll be surprised at exactly how the two compare. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 31, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antitrust COVID-19 Donald Trump Episode Facebook First Amendment Flint Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Gorillas Media Political Language Rick Snyder WSUM

TMI 01/15/2021 – The Press Must Remain Free, COVID Goes Ape, Gov. Snyder May Face Justice

While people quake in fear of Senator Hawley’s lost book deal and President Trump’s banishment from many social media platforms, they often cite the First Amendment’s guarantee to Freedom of Speech. Ironically, they forget the rest of the First Amendment’s guarantees, including the part that protects Twitter, Simon & Schuster, Facebook and even from having to publish ANYTHING they don’t want to be associated with. We’ll discuss.

Then, a pod of gorillas in San Diego have become the first great apes (aside, arguably, from humans) to have contacted COVID-19. We’ll look into what this means for Silverbacks and us humans.

Finally, former Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan may be one of many facing new charges stemming from the murderous mismanagement of Flint’s water in 2014-2015. The residents of Flint, Michigan may finally be seeing justice for the water crisis that put lead in their drinking water. All that and more on TMI for Friday, January 15, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Antitrust Apple Artificial Intelligence Billionaires Carl Gibson Court Packing Election Integrity Episode Facebook Google Media Political Language Presidential Politics Science SCOTUS WSUM

TMI 10/24/2020 – Carl Gibson Packs the Courts, Same Words – Different Meaning, and Hey Google, What’s Antitrust?

On this episode of TMI:

Friend of the program Carl Gibson has a new piece out at the Independent called “The most democratic thing Joe Biden could do is pack the courts” – he joins us to discuss why this vilified idea is a good one.

Then, we talk about how the very same words often seem to have two completely different meanings depending on your political viewpoint – could Artificial Intelligence allow computers to help undo this language gridlock?

Finally, we break down the antitrust case being brought down on Google, and examine how other online giants like Amazon, Facebook and others may not be far behind. All this and more on TMI’s special Saturday edition for October 24, 2020 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!