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TMI 08/23/2024 – BEST OF TMI: Musk and Trump Botch the Climate, Palast Alerts Us to Georgia Legalizing Vote Non-certification, Stoller Examines Google’s Search Antitrust Loss, Teens Use Plasma To Boost Crops, more


When men as rich and powerful as Elon Musk and Donald Trump decide to have a conversation and invite the world to listen in, it’s a good idea to check in and see what their vision is for the world we have to share with these reckless giants. On just about every front, it’s not good, and with climate concerns in particular, Bill McKibben noted several especially alarming points to bring to your attention – we spend a moment to share his concerns with you. Then, we take a look at reporting from the inimitable Greg Palast on how Georgia has paved the way to legally refuse to certify election results from its own counties, and that the certification of the 2020 slate of votes by Atlanta’s Fulton County wouldn’t have been certified under this new “quiet coup” technique.

Next, Matt Stoller dives into the recent antitrust loss Google took in court regarding its monopoly on search. This seemingly-trivial decision is going to result in changes to everything we know about online and business practices for decades, so listen in. Finally, we briefly check in with a group of teens who invented a way to use plasma to supercharge seeds and water for tremendous boosts in crop yields virtually anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 23, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antitrust Climate disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Elon Musk Episode Georgia Google Greg Palast Matt Stoller misinformation Monopoly Plantzma Science Turkey Türkiye WSUM

TMI 08/16/2024 – Musk and Trump Botch the Climate, Palast Alerts Us to Georgia Legalizing Vote Non-certification, Stoller Examines Google’s Search Antitrust Loss, Teens Use Plasma To Boost Crops, more

When men as rich and powerful as Elon Musk and Donald Trump decide to have a conversation and invite the world to listen in, it’s a good idea to check in and see what their vision is for the world we have to share with these reckless giants. On just about every front, it’s not good, and with climate concerns in particular, Bill McKibben noted several especially alarming points to bring to your attention – we spend a moment to share his concerns with you. Then, we take a look at reporting from the inimitable Greg Palast on how Georgia has paved the way to legally refuse to certify election results from its own counties, and that the certification of the 2020 slate of votes by Atlanta’s Fulton County wouldn’t have been certified under this new “quiet coup” technique.

Next, Matt Stoller dives into the recent antitrust loss Google took in court regarding its monopoly on search. This seemingly-trivial decision is going to result in changes to everything we know about online and business practices for decades, so listen in. Finally, we briefly check in with a group of teens who invented a way to use plasma to supercharge seeds and water for tremendous boosts in crop yields virtually anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 16, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Billionaires Blue Origin Elon Musk Episode Free Jeff Bezos Josh Wardle Mars Migration New York Times Space SpaceX Wordle WSUM

TMI 02/04/2022 – Wordle Wants to be Free, Reign of the Space Lords, More

From its origins just a few months ago until now, Wordle has become the simple little online game that took over many people’s Facebook newsfeeds and more – just in time for the New York Times to swoop in and buy it from Josh Wardle. Oh, the NYT promises it will remain free… for an introductory period. Mr. Wardle couldn’t rightly turn down the money thrown at him, but wonders why we can’t just have nice free things? Turns out you can – we explain how.

Then, once the domain of governmental achievement, the space race has become the realm of – and plaything of – the hyper-wealthy. These “space lords” all have flowery language to describe their visions of the future, but a quick look at their own past and present shows that we may not enjoy the actual outcomes that result from their designs. We discuss all this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 4, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!