Big Oil Book Review Capitalism Clara Mattei Climate Climate Lawsuits Economics Episode Exxon Fascism Fracking History Israel Palestine Political Language SCOTUS Terrorism War WSUM

TMI 04/28/2023 – The Capital Order with Clara Mattei, SCOTUS Clears Big Oil for Accountability, Israelis and Palestinians Jointly Denounce Violence

When you hear the term “Class War”, it’s typically being thrown at you by those who STARTED the war in the first place – the Capital Class. Want proof? Just talk to Assoc. Professor Clara Mattei: her new book, “⁠The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism⁠” lays out all the evidence of how Austerity was carefully crafted to be a weapon to use against those not fortunate enough to have been born super-rich… that’s (almost certainly) you. And it has its origins over a hundred years ago! Watch now so you know exactly what tricks are still being used to this day by those in power to keep the rest of us from improving things for EVERYONE, not just them.

Check out the book here:

But first, we talk about how SCOTUS has cleared the way for state and local courts to hear climate change lawsuits against Big Oil. Then later, We talk about the big event in Israel that drew both Israelis and Palestinians in support of denouncing the violence against both people. All this and more on TMI for Friday, April 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Episode Geography Global Politics Greg Palast Religion Russia Science Ukraine Vladimir Putin War WSUM

TMI 03/04/2022 – Greg Palast on Putin’s Russian Orthodox and Oil Price Motivations, How Russia’s Geography Makes Invading Ukraine Attractive, Geothermal Startup Wants Cheap Renewable Energy Everywhere

We are joined by Greg Palast who outlines how both the sharp increase in oil prices and the Russian Orthodox Church are motivating Vladimir Putin to push further into Ukraine, causing untold chaos for both Russia and Ukraine. Then, I go over how Russia has a particular geographical feature that makes invading Ukraine even more attractive for Putin, along with a few other issues that weren’t covered in our conversation with Palast.

Finally, a Geothermal startup believes it has the recipe for making cheap renewable energy available almost anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 4th, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Best of TMI Community Episode Freedom Science Sociology Time Ukraine War World War III WSUM

BEST OF TMI 01/28/2022 – Is It Really Community vs. “Freedom”?, World War III – Your Table is Ready, and There is No Absolute “Time”, More


Society seems pretty well torn in two, and the odd thing about it is that there appears to be mostly a conflict between those who want to focus on building and uplifting community between each other and those who prize, above all else, what they have been TOLD it means to be “free”. We examine this fundamental breakdown in communication to hopefully better prepare you to help heal the rifts so we can focus on the billionocracy that is keeping us ALL down.

Then, reports from Ukraine not the only things that are echoing the beginnings of historic, major wars. The fact that there are multiple major places of unrest boiling up simultaneously calls back to how wars like World War I, World War II and other major wars began. We discuss.

Finally, we examine the most current understandings of the nature of time itself, which may surprise you. After all, it has been completely proven that the closer you get to the surface of the Earth, the SLOWER time moves. Can there be any absolute notion of time when it bends depending on your location? All this and much more on TMI for Friday, January 28, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Community Episode Freedom Science Sociology Time Ukraine War World War III WSUM

TMI 01/21/2022 – Is It Really Community vs. “Freedom”?, World War III – Your Table is Ready, and There is No Absolute “Time”, More

Society seems pretty well torn in two, and the odd thing about it is that there appears to be mostly a conflict between those who want to focus on building and uplifting community between each other and those who prize, above all else, what they have been TOLD it means to be “free”. We examine this fundamental breakdown in communication to hopefully better prepare you to help heal the rifts so we can focus on the billionocracy that is keeping us ALL down.

Then, reports from Ukraine not the only things that are echoing the beginnings of historic, major wars. The fact that there are multiple major places of unrest boiling up simultaneously calls back to how wars like World War I, World War II and other major wars began. We discuss.

Finally, we examine the most current understandings of the nature of time itself, which may surprise you. After all, it has been completely proven that the closer you get to the surface of the Earth, the SLOWER time moves. Can there be any absolute notion of time when it bends depending on your location? All this and much more on TMI for Friday, January 21, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

2021 Afghanistan Climate Coal war Episode Global Politics Ronald Reagan union War WSUM

TMI 09/03/2021 – Nine Terrifying Words, Alabama’s Coal Strike and the History Behind Leaving Afghanistan

Ronald Reagan gave us his “nine most terrifying words in the english language” 40 years ago – we examine how this devious concept has insidiously corrupted our ability to function as a government, even when it comes to responding to immediate threats like Hurricane Ida.

Then, we talk about the strike down in Alabama by miners of Warrior Met Coal, and the similarities to some historically violent coal strikes that rocked the USA roughly 100 years ago. With luck, maybe we can protect workers’ rights without so much bloodshed this time.

Finally, we look at the completion of the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how it has been long overdue. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, Sepetmber 03, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Episode Media Peace Peter B. Collins Pop Culture Rush Limbaugh Sociology War WSUM

TMI 02/26/2021 – The Damage of Limbaugh w/ Peter B. Collins, Pop Culture’s War on Peace

For decades, a fellow from Missouri named Rush Hudson Limbaugh III dragged media standards away from objective reporting of factual events, past the realm of opinion and into the depths of slander and service to the darkest impulses of humanity’s prejudices. But how did it all get that way? Joining us is equally-veteran in the radio industry Peter B. Collins, who will outline precisely how Rush came to prominence and even go over his own experience meeting Mr. Limbaugh early on in Rush’s career.

Then, we will discuss how the very idea of war is deeply and persistently ingrained into USA’s pop culture, and how this makes any push for peace far more difficult than it needs to be. All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 26, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!