Climate Corporate Malfeasance Disenfranchisement Episode Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Memo Racism Voting Rights Act WSUM

TMI 02/16/2024 – Four Key Ways That the Voting Rights Act Will Be Under Attack in 2024, Presidential Memo from the 1960s Shows How Long the Climate Has Been in Crisis and more

The Voting Rights Act has been the bane of racists in the United States since its inception, helping drive the Dixiecrats into the Republican Party some 60 years ago. It’s no surprise, then, that the GOP and its allies have been attacking it relentlessly at every opportunity, and looking at the 2024 judicial calendar, we shine a light on four key ways that the VRA is in jeopardy this year.

Then, we go over how a Presidential memo just uncovered from the 1960s clearly outlines how long the highest office in the land has known about the dangers facing the world’s climate. We look at all of this and more TMI for Friday, February 16, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Black History Crime-free Episode Homelessness Landlords Nuisance Laws WSUM Zoning Laws

TMI 02/09/2024 – Are We Failing the Lessons of Black History Month by Using Zoning and “Crime-Free” Laws to Increase Homelessness Among People of Color?

We look back as recently as 1964 in Black History and see drinking fountains marked “colored” and “whites”, and tsk at such blatant symbols of racial oppression. But the times haven’t changed as much as one might hope. People of color are frequently among the homeless that many cities attempt to banish by using zoning laws capriciously against churches who are trying to house and feed them. Worse, we see that laws against “nuisance” tenants in order to create “crime-free” communities are often adopted when people of color move into those places, forcing landlords to screen out or evict people of color, exacerbating the issue. Today’s present becomes the Black History of tomorrow. We look at all of this and more TMI for Friday, February 09, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

disinformation Election Integrity Episode Media misinformation Palestine Peter B. Collins Ukraine Vladimir Putin WSUM YouTube

TMI 02/02/2024 – Interview with Peter B. Collins on the State of the Media (Including YouTube) : How It Is Failing to Present the Truth and more

On this episode, we welcome back Peter B. Collins, legendary talk radio host and media analyst, who goes over the state of the media that we are contending with in reporting on such topics as real voter suppression (NOT the MAGA “Stop the Steal” nonsense, which YouTube refuses to recognize is different), the war started by Putin in Ukraine, the continued genocide in Palestine that began well before October of 2023, and much, much more. Peter’s own podcast archives have a true wealth of well-researched and sourced information at and we invite you to inform and enrich yourself by partaking of the bounty!

All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 02, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil COVID-19 disinformation Episode Feminism Gender Illinois Petroleum Resource Board IPRB Kanter's Law Marketing misinformation OERB Oklahoma Energy Resources Board WSUM

TMI 01/26/2024 – Big Oil Uses IPRB to Miseducate Students, Data Combats the Myth of the Female Shopaholic, Kanter’s Law Gives Hope on the COVID Pandemic and more

The Illinois Petroleum Resource Board (IPRB) has been a gas tax-funded education and outreach program for 25 years, with a particular aim of providing science curriculum and professional development workshops for Illinois teachers. Nevermind that the information given is solely focused on making Big Oil look absolutely indispensable to the future of civilization, or even that Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas have similar petroleum-focused “educational” programs – that under-the-radar status is just what the IPRB likes. We expose them.

Then, we look at the culturally-pervasive myth of the “female shopaholic” and explore how the data and cultural context doesn’t back up this sexist trope at all. Finally, we show how the management concept of Kanter’s Law shows some hope for the ongoing COVID epidemic. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC Big Oil Climate Climate Lawsuits Congress DAPL Dunn & Crutcher Episode Green New Deal WSUM

BEST OF TMI 01/19/2024 – How AOC’s Championing the Green New Deal in Congress Soured Her on Activist Support, Why a “Free Speech Specialist” Law Firm is Fighting Climate Activists’ Free Speech and more

(This is a rebroadcast of the 1/12/2024 episode)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went to Washington hot to make change in a place devoted to preserving the capitalist status quo, often at the expense of everyone not rich enough to buy congressional influence. We look at how the combination of her rebuke from the powers that be and the fickleness of the more particular forces she wanted to represent pushed her away from continuing to fight for the ideals of the Green New Deal, even as it took flight internationally.

Then, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is famous for fighting for First Amendment protected political speech… so long as you’re wealthy enough to pay for it. That means that Big Oil has been quite successful in twisting that firm’s speciality into a weapon against environmental protest. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 19, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC Big Oil Climate Climate Lawsuits Congress DAPL Dunn & Crutcher Episode Green New Deal WSUM

TMI 01/12/2024 – How AOC’s Championing the Green New Deal in Congress Soured Her on Activist Support, Why a “Free Speech Specialist” Law Firm is Fighting Climate Activists’ Free Speech and more

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went to Washington hot to make change in a place devoted to preserving the capitalist status quo, often at the expense of everyone not rich enough to buy congressional influence. We look at how the combination of her rebuke from the powers that be and the fickleness of the more particular forces she wanted to represent pushed her away from continuing to fight for the ideals of the Green New Deal, even as it took flight internationally.

Then, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is famous for fighting for First Amendment protected political speech… so long as you’re wealthy enough to pay for it. That means that Big Oil has been quite successful in twisting that firm’s speciality into a weapon against environmental protest. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 12, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

AI Antarctica Artificial Intelligence Dot-com Bubble Episode Homelessness Housing Crisis Octopi DNA WSUM

TMI 01/05/2024 – Will the AI Bubble Leave Anything Behind, How a Madison Church’s Decision to House the Homeless May Offset A Corporate Solution’s Collapse, Octopi DNA and Antarctic Collapse and more

Some bubbles crash and leave nothing but ruin in their wake, while others, like the dot-com bubble that burst in 2000, leave behind many valuable things that can be used to propel other, new things forward. So, the question is, which type of bubble is AI, which is, by all definitions, a bubble just waiting to crash. We investigate.

Next, we look at the tragedy unfolding for dozens of vulnerable families in Madison as we speak, who are losing their housing due to the mismanagement of a corporate entity. Then we contrast that against a downtown Madison church, whose congregation has decided to use their mostly empty house of worship as housing for those who have nowhere to live, ignoring the temptation to cash in on the valuable real estate it sits on.

Finally, we tell you how octopus DNA is providing evidence that the Antarctic ice sheets are ready to collapse. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 05, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama BLM Body Cameras Bodycam Episode Police Brutality Policing Reform WSUM

TMI 12/29/2023 – An In-depth Look at the Decade of Police Bodycams, the Promise of Transparency and the Failure of Accountability

Ten years ago, Black Lives Matter was founded in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in shooting Trayvon Martin to death the year before, as well as the long history of the police and justice system failing to treat black lives with the same respect as others. The pressure caused by this rapidly growing movement forced police across the country to consider a new way to show that they took being held accountable seriously: the bodycam. In 2014, President Obama requested $263 Million in Federal funds be spent on equipping police with body camera technology. Finally, officers would know that they couldn’t abuse their power without being called on it.

The next decade, we now know, told a different tale. When being implemented, one key factor was left entirely up to the police themselves: control of bodycam footage. Given the ability to see what their fellow officers were doing on the streets every day, the police by and large decided no one else needed to see that. At best, the public could see highly-edited, police friendly versions of what happened, and that was often long after any reasonable accountability could result from it. It is not a wild claim to say that had bodycam footage been publicly accessible, George Floyd might still be alive today. We devote this episode of TMI to this truly crucial topic: why we reach for silver bullet solutions when reforming those wielding the silver guns is the best way of enacting effective change. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 29, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bill McKibben BLM Civil RIghts Climate COP28 DFL Episode Greta Thunberg James Webb Space Telescope JWST Labor Nellie Stone Johnson union Uranus WSUM

TMI 12/22/2023 – Why You Need to Know About Nellie Stone Johnson, Thunberg and Others Call COP28 a “Cop Out”, the James Webb Space Telescope Targets Uranus and more

If you live in Minnesota, you stand a decent chance of having heard of Nellie Stone Johnson, but otherwise this pioneering black woman, born in 1905, is likely a complete mystery to you. We’ll correct that injustice as much as we are able, as Ms. Johnson was one of the most important figures in labor and civil rights – mostly as she saw no reason the two causes should ever be taken on separately.

Then, with the 28th UN Conference of the Parties (COP28) finished, we’ll check in to see how climate activists from Greta Thunberg to Bill McKibben feel how it went:. Spoiler warning: they were NOT impressed. Finally, we get to the bottom of how the James Webb Space Telescope has been used to dive into Uranus, spreading open our understanding of this place that gets so misunderstood. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 22, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Donald Trump Electric Vehicles Eli Pariser Episode Facebook Filter Bubble Google Joe Biden PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Project 2025 Social Media Sociology WSUM

TMI 12/15/2023 – Is the Filter Bubble the Wrong Mechanism to Explain Social Media Toxicity?, How Trump’s Project 2025 is a Next Level Disaster for the Climate and more

We’ve reported here on TMI on Eli Pariser’s “Filter Bubble” concept since its debut in 2010 at his Ted talk: the idea that Google was selectively feeding results back to the user that the user agreed with, making it so that one person’s search results were often vastly different than another’s. Mr Pariser pointed out that by putting us all in these Filter Bubbles, we couldn’t agree on what was even factual. A new article published in the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) journal, however, says that is all wrong when applied to social media giants like Facebook, where they aim to increase your focus and time spent there by enhancing the chance of you getting made angry by what you see. We examine these competing concepts.

Then, we go over how the media is gleefully playing up any and all minutiae of Trump’s intentions for his second term except for one key part: how the Project 2025 plan that he’s assimilated is catastrophic for any chance we have to keep the environment from completely collapsing.

Finally, we present an update to a story we went over a few weeks back, putting a spotlight on how the EV infrastructure promised by Biden’s funding in 2021 is FINALLY starting to come to fruition. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 15, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!