Barack Obama BLM Body Cameras Bodycam Episode Police Brutality Policing Reform WSUM

TMI 12/29/2023 – An In-depth Look at the Decade of Police Bodycams, the Promise of Transparency and the Failure of Accountability

Ten years ago, Black Lives Matter was founded in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in shooting Trayvon Martin to death the year before, as well as the long history of the police and justice system failing to treat black lives with the same respect as others. The pressure caused by this rapidly growing movement forced police across the country to consider a new way to show that they took being held accountable seriously: the bodycam. In 2014, President Obama requested $263 Million in Federal funds be spent on equipping police with body camera technology. Finally, officers would know that they couldn’t abuse their power without being called on it.

The next decade, we now know, told a different tale. When being implemented, one key factor was left entirely up to the police themselves: control of bodycam footage. Given the ability to see what their fellow officers were doing on the streets every day, the police by and large decided no one else needed to see that. At best, the public could see highly-edited, police friendly versions of what happened, and that was often long after any reasonable accountability could result from it. It is not a wild claim to say that had bodycam footage been publicly accessible, George Floyd might still be alive today. We devote this episode of TMI to this truly crucial topic: why we reach for silver bullet solutions when reforming those wielding the silver guns is the best way of enacting effective change. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 29, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cognition Colin Kaepernick Critical Race Theory CRT Defund the Police Episode George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 10/15/2021 – Defund to Refund the Police, Kaepernick says “Abolish the Prisons”, Corvid Consciousness Confirmed

Last year, measures went nationwide to rein in the outlandish spending on municipal law enforcement (much of which embellished them with military-grade hardware). This attempt to slow the militarization of our local police forces, which tended to disproportionately affect black Americans, has since been quickly shuffled back into their budgets this year. We analyze why and what can be done as an alternative.

Then, Colin Kaepernick has a publishing company, and its first book discusses the history of the “Abolish the Prisons” movement. and how this idea needs to be re-examined now more than ever. Finally, we look at how scientists have been able to suss out what appears to be unmistakable evidence that crows and ravens possess sentient thought. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 15, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Cannabis Legaliziation COVID-19 Delta Variant Episode Police Brutality Policing Reform Pop Culture War on Drugs WSUM

TMI 7/23/2021 – Attack of the Delta Variant, 50 Years of the War on Drugs, and How Both are Rather Similar

On this week’s TMI, we sound the alarm on the attack of COVID-19’s Delta Variant and show how it absolutely indicates that we opened too soon. Then we go over the 50 years of the War on Drugs, first declared by President Nixon, and how, by and large, the only lasting effect it had was the decimation of poor and minority-race families, communities and cities. Finally, we stop a moment and compare how both COVID and the War on Drugs hold a striking number of similarities. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 23, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil BLM Climate Corporate Malfeasance Derek Chauvin disinformation George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/28/2021 – Policing by Race One Year After George Floyd, How To Think Creatively, ExxonMobil Forced to Go Greener

A full year after the murder of George Floyd by a sadistic police officer, we look at the state of policing in America by race: has it changed? What has been attempted in the meantime? How far do we have to go?

Then, there have been studies done on how creative thinking works: sure some are more talented than others, but there’s a definite skill to it, and that skill can be TAUGHT. Find out! Finally, Oil Giant ExxonMobil was forced by Engine No. 1, an activist hedge fund, to accept several environmentally friendly board members. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, May 28, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cannabis Legaliziation COVID-19 Derek Chauvin disinformation Episode Equality Fascism First Amendment George Floyd Mass Shootings Media National Guard Police Brutality Policing Reform Political Language Riot White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 04/23/2021 – George Floyd’s Murderer Faces Historic Verdict, BLM Protestors Falsely Arrested 90% of the Time, Ever’s Budget Legalizes Cannabis, Mass Shootings Begin Again

The Minneapolis Police Officer who murdered George Floyd, as captured on live video, (whose name I use as little as possible) faced a historic verdict as all three charges came down as Guilty. We examine just how unprecedented the verdict was and how that directly shows how deeply corrupted and harmful our current system of policing is.

Then, we investigate how, across the USA, BLM protestors were arrested without cause or evidence simply to create the false impression that the protests were unlawful and in need of such inhumane tactics as tear gas and rubber bullets. Then, we talk about Governor Evers’ budget for the State of Wisconsin which includes legalizing cannabis and reforming the troubled youth prison system. Finally we touch on the sad correlation between the ending of stay-at-home orders and the sudden return of mass shootings. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 23, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 Episode Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media Policing Reform Science Social Security Sociology Universal Health Care White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 02/05/2021 – Go Big with Carl Gibson, Ho-hum COVID disaster, ICE has gone rogue

Friend of the program Carl Gibson of​ joins us to discuss how the Democratic Congress and Presidency have an enormous opportunity to make a real difference… or, history shows, be destroyed. Also, Carl tells us how his recent stock purchase is going.

Next, we compare the horrific daily death totals for COVID-19 aren’t making us bat an eye, even as they stack up against and tower over other individual disastrous days in the history of America. We discuss why.

Finally, we review how ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) seems to be operating against orders at virtually every turn since Joe Biden took office, and what effect that is having on innocent lives. All that and more on TMI for Friday, February 5, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Fracking Minimum Wage Policing Reform WSUM

TMI 01/03/2015 – Looking to Build Social, Economic and Environmental Justice Movements… Together!

2014 saw major advances in building the power of a multitude of activist movements. Fracking as an issue has been featured as the topic of a full episode of The Simpsons, more and more communities are raising the minimum wage, and activists who have warned against the ever-increasing militarization of our police found millions of new allies. Looking ahead to this new year, we’ll see how these movements are discovering their interconnectedness, and can find ways to build power for the people by working together. All that and more on TMI for Saturday, January 03, 2015, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison or via everywhere – tune in for your New Year’s dose of the Cure for the Common Media!