Astronomy Climate COVID-19 Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics Social Security WSUM

TMI 09/04/2020 – The Red Mirage, Social Security in Peril, the Woman who Changed a War, and the Cosmic Year

Looking forward to November 3rd, we are so used to thinking about Election Night as this huge decisive moment – but what if it wasn’t? We explore how, this year, things are almost certainly going to look very different, and the politicization of the pandemic will likely make the electoral map of November 3rd look very misleading – and much “redder” – than the final outcome when all mail in ballots are counted.

Then, we examine the timeline for Social Security under the current Executive Order, which robs the fund of the tax base that sustains it. The services many people you know depend on are in much more rapid jeopardy than you might think.

We give due recognition to a woman who changed the face of war, and occasionally the face of the weather forecast – but you’ve probably never heard of her.

Finally, we take a look NOT the solar year we call 2020, but the “cosmic year” – or how long it takes us to orbit around the center of our galaxy, and how things weren’t all that different the last time we were in this position, galactically. All this and MORE on this episode of TMI for Friday, September 4th, 2020 – get your dose of the Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Climate Episode Kamala Harris Media Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 08/21/2020 – Red Flags, Mama Ain’t Happy, and Courting Climate Justice

Twelve years ago, we were jubilantly celebrating the Democratic Party’s nomination of Barack Obama for the office of President of the United States. What was widely ignored was the red flag that had already popped up, warning that his administration wasn’t going to be the progressive dream we’d been led to believe: Joe Biden. By choosing the Senator from Delaware as his VP, we could have seen that it was all headed sharply to the right. Now, with Joe Biden in his late 70’s and leading the Democratic Presidential ticket, we look for what the future might entail, and… we have Kamala Harris, a notoriously centrist Attorney General being placed next in line for the top office. We discuss THIS red flag, and what it might mean for the future.

Then, we discuss how the horrors of the climate crisis aren’t even getting major national coverage, as Iowa suffers hurricane-strength winds, the Atlantic Hurricane season is on record pace and California has its strongest tornado in history – MADE OF FIRE. Mama Nature ain’t happy, and there soon won’t be ANYBODY happy.

Finally, we talk about how the tremendous financial burden all of this climate-crisis-induced destruction is being put on the doorstep of the worst culprits: Big Oil. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 21st, 2020, which aired 5pm Central on 91.7FM WSUM in Madison, and streamed at EVERYWHERE. Get your dose of the Cure for the Common Media below:

BLM Episode Equality George Floyd LGBTQ+ Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 08/07/2020 – Labelled as Human, March Against Biden and Amnesty Int’l Dings Us


If you feel that no label has quite fit how you feel about your gender or sexual identity, we run through over 30 that are custom made BY and FOR the people they describe. Listen and feel reconnected to humanity.

Then we talk to Preston Scott Smith of the March Against Biden, an event happening in over 20 locations tomorrow, August 8th and again a week later on August 15th, as well as virtual events. It’s not a pro-Trump event AT ALL – it BEGS the DNC to do something different in order to actually DEFEAT Trump. Check out the interview!

Finally, we talk about how Amnesty International has dinged a nation very familiar to you with well over 100 human rights violations in a span of under two weeks, and how that adds to the woes being faced at getting an important segment of the vote ready for November.

All that and more was on TMI for Friday, August 7, 2020, at 5PM Central on 91.7FM WSUM in Madison and streamed at EVERYWHERE.

Here’s the full episode – listen now:

Book Review Election Integrity Episode Greg Palast Presidential Politics

TMI 07/27/2020 – How Trump Stole 2020 with Greg Palast

As the polls go, it looks more and more likely that there’s no way Trump could possibly win the next election. However, that might not matter because, with a combination of tricks used in 2016 and brand new avenues that have been opened up since, Trump has already stolen the 2020 election.

But don’t lose hope! Joining us this episode is Greg Palast, author of “How Trump Stole 2020”, and he’s not only here to outline how the crime was committed, but how we can steal it back. You’d better listen in (and should probably get the book), if the integrity of your vote means anything to you at all.

Episode Mimi Soltysik Presidential Politics Socialism Tribute

TMI 07/06/2020 – A Tribute to Mimi Soltysik, Modern American Socialist Leader

This episode of TMI is devoted to a man I first met on Facebook over seven years ago. Co-chair and 2016 Presidential Candidate of the Socialist Party USA, he was a tireless champion of the people, and a seemingly endless resource for modern Socialism. Cancer took him just over a week ago. I felt compelled to pay tribute to a man who, though I never met in person, was the kind of person where that barely affected how much he was able to connect with you. Farewell, Emidio “Mimi” Soltysik. Rest in Peace. Rest in Power.

Climate Episode George Floyd Media Peter B. Collins Presidential Politics

TMI – Catching up on 2020 with Peter B. Collins – 06/15/2020

Having returned to the air after a five year hiatus left me feeling like I needed to catch up on things – and there’s no one better to help with that than Peter B. Collins! He joins us for this extra-helping of TMI where we review what’s happened in the media, the climate, the field of presidential politics and leading us into the current worldwide protests for Black Lives Matter. It’s an HOUR of great insights and news you might have missed, so don’t miss THIS! Listen in, and be sure to follow Peter B. Collins on his own podcast as well!

Cenk Uygur Hiatus Hillary Clinton Mary Burke Pink Floyd Presidential Politics

TMI 11/08/2014 – On Hiatus, with Links

No episode today, but a couple of links to look at and ponder:

Were you aware that one of Mary Burke’s top advisors sent thousands of dollars to GOP candidates while working on the Burke campaign?

Did you know Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is running an online “progressive presidential primary” to find an alternative to Hillary Clinton?

Finally, there’s been a lot of attention paid to Pink Floyd releasing a final new album this year, but have you heard this song from them which, to my mind, encapsulates our world and what it needs?

Enjoy, and TMI will be back next week!

Bernie Sanders Democratic Party Episode Gubernatorial Politics Mary Jo Walters Patrick Walker Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 10/25/2014 – Another Party Heard From with Mary Jo Walters on Wisconsin and Patrick Walker on Politics

Mary Jo Walters is running a campaign to represent the people of Wisconsin as Governor (after trying to run for Lt. Governor), but she’s not about to limit herself to the two big parties to do it! We’ll have her live in studio to discuss what it means to run outside the system. Then, Patrick Walker has been thinking about how Bernie Sanders may run for President in 2016, and he thinks that should be as a Democrat – but not so Bernie can be co-opted!

We’ll have all that and much more on TMI for 10/25/2014, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM Madison or streaming live on anywhere. Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!