Big Oil Bureau of Indian Affairs Charles Koch Climate Documentary Episode Greg Palast Killers of the Flower Moon Long Knife Native Americans Oklahoma Osage YouTube

ON YOUTUBE – TMI 09/29/2023 – “Until They KILLED Them.” – Long Knife: Osage Oil and the New Trail of Tears w/ Greg Palast

(This is the video version of the 91.7 FM WSUM broadcast from Friday, Sept 29, 2023 at 5:00 PM Central Time)

A tremendous amount of oil was discovered on the land belonging to the Osage Nation of Oklahoma. They were the richest people on Earth… until oil-greedy people KILLED them. But who? How did they get away with it?

Investigative reporter Greg Palast has been on the hunt for this story for THREE decades! Where “KIllers of the Flower Moon” starring Leonardo DiCaprio ends, Greg Palast’s explosive documentary begins. Find out how the people behind the murder and the theft used that stolen money to help cripple climate change legislation for decades, and so much more! All that and more on TMI for Friday, September 29, 2023 – get YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Follow Greg Palast for more details, and to find out when the Long Knife documentary releases!

Big Oil Bureau of Indian Affairs Charles Koch Climate Documentary Episode Greg Palast Killers of the Flower Moon Long Knife Native Americans Oklahoma Osage WSUM

TMI 09/29/2023 – “Until They KILLED Them.” – Long Knife: Osage Oil and the New Trail of Tears w/ Greg Palast – Oil, Greed, Murder, Racism, Climate Crisis and more

A tremendous amount of oil was discovered on the land belonging to the Osage Nation of Oklahoma. They were the richest people on Earth… until oil-greedy people KILLED them. But who? How did they get away with it?

Investigative reporter Greg Palast has been on the hunt for this story for THREE decades! Where “KIllers of the Flower Moon” starring Leonardo DiCaprio ends, Greg Palast’s explosive documentary begins. Find out how the people behind the murder and the theft used that stolen money to help cripple climate change legislation for decades, and so much more! All that and more on TMI for Friday, September 29, 2023 – get YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Follow Greg Palast for more details, and to find out when the Long Knife documentary releases!

Abortion Bidenomics Climate Economics Episode Inflation Joe Biden Planned Parenthood Ronald Reagan WSUM

TMI 09/22/2023 – How Ronald Reagan Planted an Inflation Trap for Joe Biden, Six of Nine Planetary Limits Are Outside the Safe Zone for Humanity, Planned Parenthood of WI to Provide Abortions and more

While Joe Biden campaigns on “Bidenomics”, the rest of us look at the economy and wonder how he and others in the political class of folks in Washington DC could be so out of touch. Turns out, it’s not entirely Biden’s fault, as we discover that a method for looking at inflation begun under Ronald Reagan helps ENSURE that the view from the top is ALWAYS rosier than the one from our home towns.

Then, an analysis of thousands of scientific studies, done to judge how the Earth is doing in nine essential metrics for humanity’s continuation, shows that of those nine limits for life to remain sustainable here, six of them have been breached. Finally, we give the glad news that, due to legal challenges showing the 1849 “ban” on abortion in Wisconsin is shaky at best, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin has returned to providing the vital health care service of abortion. All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 22, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate disinformation Episode Ford General Motors Greece Jennifer Granholm Libya Medicane NBC Stellantis Stormy Daniels UAW union United Auto Workers WSUM

TMI 09/15/2023 – Reining In the Anti-Union Media for the UAW, “Medicane” Daniel Tears Apart Greece and Libya, Secretary Granholm Experiences the Pioneering Pains of EV Travel and more

TMI with Aldous Tyler‘s entire mission is to be The Cure for the Common Media, and nowhere is that more necessary than with the coverage of union disputes. The UAW’s upcoming strike is being presented only in terms of how bad it is going to make things for “the consumer”, and when you realize the conflicts of interest these media giants have, being beholden to giant as campaigns from the auto manufacturers, it’s no big mystery why. Find out what to be wary of, to inoculate yourself against the corporate propaganda.

Then, we show how the climate crisis is impacting the Mediterranean, with Storm Daniel laying waste to a large swath of Greece and an even larger swath of Libya, all in the span of one week. Finally, we see how the lack of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles makes using them for “road trip” travel dicey – even for the Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm! All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 15, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Cisgender Episode Gentrification Interstate Highway System Racism Redlining Reparations Sociology Transgender White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 09/08/2023 – Fixing the Racism of Interstate Highways, Coiner of “Cisgender” Speaks Out on What it Really Means, How to Accurately Define “Gentrifying” and more

As summer winds down and many of us take to the road before things cool down, we take a look at the Interstate Highway system, and how its planning and development were used to smash communities of color all across the USA – and what we can do now to fix the problems caused by that. Sixty years of suffering is a lot to make up for, but it’s never too late to start.

Then, we hear from Dana Defosse, the PhD who coined the term “cisgender” some thirty years ago, and why she is horrified by how misconstrued and abused the term has become. Finally, we give a quick reminder of how to properly define “gentrification” so we can see it for the class struggle issue that it is, and not the cultural inconvenience some would like to paint it as. All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 08, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 09/01/2023 – BEST OF TMI – Barbie is About Liberation For All!; “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more


Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!