Big Oil Black Lives Matter BLM Climate Homicide Climate Lawsuits Episode Joe Biden Kamala Harris Lois Parshley Presidential Politics Sonya Massey The Lever Vel Phillips WSUM

TMI 08/02/2024 – Science & Law Merge to Charge Big Oil with Climate Homicide, Harris Causes Rejuvenation in Dem Election Effort, Contrasting Honoring Vel Phillips with the Murder of Sonya Massey, more

On the first TMI of August, we do a deep dive into how mounting death tolls from climate-induced disasters have pushed scientists and lawyers together to hold Big Oil accountable. Lois Parshley’s report in The Lever gives insight into the birth of the idea of “Climate Homicide”, and how advancing the pressure from mere civil cases to criminal ones may finally bring the worst offenders of pollution to heel.

Next, we find confirmation of how Kamala Harris’ ascension into the top of the Democratic presidential ticket took a deflated and flagging campaign operation and completely revitalized it, lighting the flame of enthusiasm that no amount of begging people to back Joe Biden could. Finally, we contrast the unveiling if the well-deserved memorial statue for Vel Phillips with the senseless murder of Sonya Massey, and how we need to be sure to value every life – after all, black lives matter. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 02, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antitrust Big Oil Big Pharma Climate Climate Lawsuits Cognition Conspiracy theories Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Drug Prices Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Jessica Wildfire Joan Hunter Iovino Kamala Harris Mental Health misinformation OK Doomer Presidential Politics Stress WSUM

TMI 07/26/2024 – Untangling Biden Stopping Re-election, A Look at Who Kamala Harris Is, Politically, Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire Provide Separate Insights on the Mental Health Crisis, more

This week on TMI, we get a thorough look at how Joe Biden stepped down from being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for President, as well as why. In an era where one incumbent president attempted a fascist coup to stay in office, it is a stark and welcome contrast to see another who will step aside willingly for the greater good.

Next, we take a dive into Kamala Harris’ political background and show what she’s fought for in the environment, monopoly and racial justice arenas. No small amount of what you’ve heard about her may be false. Finally, we have Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire contributing different-yet-compatible perspectives on how the “mental health crisis” we find ourselves in might be a sane reaction to insane times. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Bill McKibben Carbon Footprint Cleantech Climate Cognition Conversation David Robson Episode The Crucial Years The Laws of Connection WSUM

TMI 06/14/2024 – Examining the Intersecting S-Curves of Change in Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuel Use and Technology, A Scientific Look at How to Have Better Conversations, more

On this episode, we discuss how Bill McKibben lays out in his blog “The Crucial Years” the fact that advances in renewable energy technology and adoption are forming an “S-curve” where the slope of increase is moving sharply upwards, leading us into a future where the slope of decrease on reliance on fossil fuels will drop off just as sharply. Our goal now is to make these dueling curves meet in time to save ourselves from the worst of the climate catastrophe’s effects.

Then, we take a serious scientific look at how to improve our ability to communicate via conversation, taking a page out of the (literal) book “The Laws of Connection” by David Robson to increase our awareness of the common pitfalls that keep us from making those all-important connections with our fellow human beings. All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 14, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Christian Nationalism Congress Episode Greenwashing Inflation John Fugelsang Natural Gas OPEC Religion Sexy Liberal Tour Shale Oil SiriusXM Tell Me Everything WSUM

TMI 05/17/2024 – BEST OF TMI: John Fugelsang Tells Us Everything About Jesus and How to Be a Sexy Liberal, USA Shale Oil Drives Inflation Out Of Control, Congress’ Report Fracks Natural Gas Greenwashing and more


Today on TMI: John Fugelsang, host of “Tell Me Everything” on SiriusXM Channel 127 and proud co-founder of the Sexy Liberal Tour right here in Madison, Wisconsin twelve years ago talks to us about the return of the Tour to the Barrymore on Saturday, May 11, 2024, how Jesus was everything your stereotypical right-wing Christian loves to hate, and much more! Don’t miss this amazing conversation!

Next, we dive deep into the clandestine world of oil markets, revealing how U.S. shale oil companies and OPEC engaged in a covert price-fixing scheme that reverberated across global economies, a collusion that fueled the sharp inflation surge of 2021-2022. Finally we look at Natural gas — the supposed “bridge fuel” to a cleaner future. But recent revelations from a congressional report have shattered the illusion. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 17, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

or WATCH the Josh Fugelsang Interview below:

Big Oil Christian Nationalism Congress Episode Greenwashing Inflation John Fugelsang Natural Gas OPEC Religion Sexy Liberal Tour Shale Oil SiriusXM Tell Me Everything WSUM

TMI 05/10/2024 – John Fugelsang Tells Us Everything About Jesus and How to Be a Sexy Liberal, USA Shale Oil Drives Inflation Out Of Control, Congress’ Report Fracks Natural Gas Greenwashing and more

Today on TMI: John Fugelsang, host of “Tell Me Everything” on SiriusXM Channel 127 and proud co-founder of the Sexy Liberal Tour right here in Madison, Wisconsin twelve years ago talks to us about the return of the Tour to the Barrymore on Saturday, May 11, 2024, how Jesus was everything your stereotypical right-wing Christian loves to hate, and much more! Don’t miss this amazing conversation!

Next, we dive deep into the clandestine world of oil markets, revealing how U.S. shale oil companies and OPEC engaged in a covert price-fixing scheme that reverberated across global economies, a collusion that fueled the sharp inflation surge of 2021-2022. Finally we look at Natural gas — the supposed “bridge fuel” to a cleaner future. But recent revelations from a congressional report have shattered the illusion. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 10, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

or WATCH the Josh Fugelsang Interview below:

536 CE/AD Big Oil Climate Cognition Community Congress Episode Reactance Resident Owned Communities ROC USA Warren Buffett WSUM

TMI 05/03/2024 – The World Ending Isn’t Enough to Alarm Many, Resident Owned Communities are Fighting Back Against Corporate Housing, Congress Releases Report Accusing Big Oil of Climate Conspiracy

In a world teetering on the brink, why do some remain unfazed by impending doom? Delving into the human psyche we exploring the paradox of apathy and even reactionary anger in the face of global catastrophe. It’s not just cognitive dissonance or existential fatigue, this process has been known as reactance. And despite that we have all the warning signs that we are entering the worst time period in over 1500 years, it has a chokehold on our ability to react as a society.

Then, meet the unsung heroes of neighborhood resilience! The Resident Owned Community cooperative housing model (championed by ROC USA) is winning legal battles against corporate giants like Warren Buffett, allowing ordinary residents to reclaim their housing and build a future where community triumphs over profit. Finally, we discuss the explosive congressional report that implicates oil magnates in a web of deception. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 03, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Climate Climate Lawsuits Episode Genocide Israel Palestine Russia Ukraine WSUM

TMI 04/12/2024 – How Gaza and Ukraine Are Alike, and How They Are Being Treated VERY Differently, Big Oil Fights Back Against Activist Investors Making Them More Climate-Friendly, more

In this episode, we examine the parallels between the genocide in Gaza and the invasion in Ukraine, shedding light on how, despite having much in common, they are treated differently on the world stage. Then, we dive into the high-stakes battle between Big Oil and climate-conscious investment firms, and how the oil giants are trying to silence the dissent from within. All this and more on TMI for Friday, April 12, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Christian Nationalism Climate Crime Rate Democratic Party Episode Fascism FBI Joe Biden LNG SACR Society for American Civic Renewal WSUM

TMI 03/22/2024 – Fossil Fuel Dems Try to Stop Biden’s LNG Pause, FBI’s Crime Rate Stats Show Decline, Meet the Society for American Civic Renewal: the Vanguard of Christian Nationalist Fascism, more

In this episode, we expose the treachery of “Fossil Fuel Democrats” as they brazenly join the efforts of GOP lawmakers to halt President Biden’s pause on the expansion of liquid natural gas (LNG) projects. Beholden to the interests of big oil and gas corporations, these Dems tout themselves as champions of not only fossil-fuel based jobs, but even the climate, all while fighting the effort their own constituents are asking for to combat climate change.

Then, we see a glimmer of hope as recent FBI crime rate statistics reveal a continued downtrend in criminal activities across the nation. This might surprise you if you follow the news (or the claims made by many politicians, especially on the campaign trail), as the overwhelming majority of Americans seem to not realize it. Finally, we reveal a chilling specter — the rise of the Society for American Civic Renewal (SACR), a menacing force espousing Christian nationalist fascism. As we peel back the innocuous-looking layers of this extremist organization, we discover the true nature of intolerance, bigotry, and authoritarianism, and its designs on the foundations of our democracy. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 22, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil COVID-19 disinformation Episode Feminism Gender Illinois Petroleum Resource Board IPRB Kanter's Law Marketing misinformation OERB Oklahoma Energy Resources Board WSUM

TMI 01/26/2024 – Big Oil Uses IPRB to Miseducate Students, Data Combats the Myth of the Female Shopaholic, Kanter’s Law Gives Hope on the COVID Pandemic and more

The Illinois Petroleum Resource Board (IPRB) has been a gas tax-funded education and outreach program for 25 years, with a particular aim of providing science curriculum and professional development workshops for Illinois teachers. Nevermind that the information given is solely focused on making Big Oil look absolutely indispensable to the future of civilization, or even that Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas have similar petroleum-focused “educational” programs – that under-the-radar status is just what the IPRB likes. We expose them.

Then, we look at the culturally-pervasive myth of the “female shopaholic” and explore how the data and cultural context doesn’t back up this sexist trope at all. Finally, we show how the management concept of Kanter’s Law shows some hope for the ongoing COVID epidemic. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC Big Oil Climate Climate Lawsuits Congress DAPL Dunn & Crutcher Episode Green New Deal WSUM

BEST OF TMI 01/19/2024 – How AOC’s Championing the Green New Deal in Congress Soured Her on Activist Support, Why a “Free Speech Specialist” Law Firm is Fighting Climate Activists’ Free Speech and more

(This is a rebroadcast of the 1/12/2024 episode)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went to Washington hot to make change in a place devoted to preserving the capitalist status quo, often at the expense of everyone not rich enough to buy congressional influence. We look at how the combination of her rebuke from the powers that be and the fickleness of the more particular forces she wanted to represent pushed her away from continuing to fight for the ideals of the Green New Deal, even as it took flight internationally.

Then, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher is famous for fighting for First Amendment protected political speech… so long as you’re wealthy enough to pay for it. That means that Big Oil has been quite successful in twisting that firm’s speciality into a weapon against environmental protest. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 19, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!