Astronomy Capitalism Climate disinformation Economics Episode Extraterrestrial Life Immigrants Media Minimum Wage Netflix Nobel Prize Political Language Science Socialism Squid Game Television WSUM

TMI 10/22/2021 – Squid Game’s Scathing Satire of Capitalism is Misrepresented by Horrified Capitalists, Nobel in Econ is Worth Talking About, the Rarity of Offworld Life Makes This World Important

The enormously popular Netflix series “Squid Game” has caught a lot of attention politically for the obvious yet unshakable satire of capitalism that it provides, clearly illustrating how ruthless and inhuman acts are virtually the only way to “win the game”. However, those who champion the capitalist nightmare we are in cannot allow (or even fathom) this sharp attack to go unanswered, going to so far as to take the creator’s quoted purpose of the series and flatly saying he’s wrong. We expose these denials and the mendacious folks behind them, and show you how to detect bad analysis about the series.

Then, this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics is actually worth talking about, as it recognizes the shift from ideological economics (which has people believing harmful nonsense about immigrants and the minimum wage) to evidence-based economics. Finally, we give an overview of how a habitable planet does NOT equal one that will spontaneously grow life of its own, and break down the beautiful rarity our own planet is. Given that, maybe we should protect it more strenuously? All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 22, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cognition Colin Kaepernick Critical Race Theory CRT Defund the Police Episode George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 10/15/2021 – Defund to Refund the Police, Kaepernick says “Abolish the Prisons”, Corvid Consciousness Confirmed

Last year, measures went nationwide to rein in the outlandish spending on municipal law enforcement (much of which embellished them with military-grade hardware). This attempt to slow the militarization of our local police forces, which tended to disproportionately affect black Americans, has since been quickly shuffled back into their budgets this year. We analyze why and what can be done as an alternative.

Then, Colin Kaepernick has a publishing company, and its first book discusses the history of the “Abolish the Prisons” movement. and how this idea needs to be re-examined now more than ever. Finally, we look at how scientists have been able to suss out what appears to be unmistakable evidence that crows and ravens possess sentient thought. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 15, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Black Economy Black Wall Street Donald Trump Episode Greenwood Name Science Sociology Tulsa Tulsa Race Massacre WSUM

TMI 06/04/2021 – One Hundred Years After Tulsa Race Massacre a Memorial Retrospective on Black Wall Street, How Your Name Affects Your Personality, What If Trump Goes to Jail – and WILL He?

Monday, May 31, 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of one of the most horrible events in American History: the Tulsa Race Massacre. If you aren’t familiar, please listen in as we recount the history of the Greenwood District of Tulsa, called “Black Wall Street”, and how it was destroyed in one of the worst displays of hate in history. If you’ve ever wondered what upsets your fellow Americans so much when they get told there’s no reason to feel oppressed, this will clear that up, fast.

Next, we look into studies that show that how you are named affects how others treat you. More, how others treat you can have a lasting effect on how YOU see yourself! Finally, many of us are just waiting and hoping that Donald Trump’s MANY illegal moves will finally put him away for good, but ho likely is that to happen, and more interestingly… what will happen if it does? All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 4, 2021. Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil BLM Climate Corporate Malfeasance Derek Chauvin disinformation George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/28/2021 – Policing by Race One Year After George Floyd, How To Think Creatively, ExxonMobil Forced to Go Greener

A full year after the murder of George Floyd by a sadistic police officer, we look at the state of policing in America by race: has it changed? What has been attempted in the meantime? How far do we have to go?

Then, there have been studies done on how creative thinking works: sure some are more talented than others, but there’s a definite skill to it, and that skill can be TAUGHT. Find out! Finally, Oil Giant ExxonMobil was forced by Engine No. 1, an activist hedge fund, to accept several environmentally friendly board members. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, May 28, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

AI Artificial Intelligence COVID-19 Episode Equality Geriatric Influenza Millennials misinformation Science WSUM

TMI 05/21/2021 – AI Goes to College, Millennials Become Geriatric, How Old Science Helped COVID Kill

AI – artificial intelligence – is an amazing tool, yet still in its infancy as far as development goes. You’d think that might give people pause before using it on life-changing decisions like who gets accepted to a college or university, but this (and far more) is precisely what we’ve discovered it is being used for. We discuss.

Then: Just as soon as Millennials became old enough that it could no longer be denied they should be considered the mainstream voice of power, along comes the term “geriatric millennial” to describe the older portion of the generation, delegitimizing them as being “out of touch” with the rest of their cohort. Aldous, a Gen X-er, takes a stand for his younger folk against those who would hold power away from those who should now have it.

Finally, we discover that there’s been a quiet war in the scientific medical community when it comes to the term “airborne” over the past year, based on a mis-reading of research written over 50 years ago! We discuss how that allowed COVID-19 to be far deadlier than it needed to be and how the mainstream scientific community is still only RELUCTANTLY embracing the discovery of the error. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 21, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Climate Episode Fascism First Amendment Fracking Media Science Texas WSUM

TMI 02/19/2021 – Fossil Fuels’ Failure in the TX Freeze, Cities Underreport Carbon Footprints, NYC Surveillance, Diagnosing You Under Your Skin

When Texas suffered catastrophic freezing, cutting power to much of the state, right wing media (followed all-too-predictably by mainstream sources) blamed the wind turbines that had locked up in the cold as being the reason why people were suffering and dying. But wind turbines function in much harsher cold than Texas offered just fine, pointing to a problem in cheaping out on their maintenance, and deeper infrastructural issues in the fossil fuel pumps that failed in much greater abundance there.

Then, we discuss how many cities throughout the USA are, intentionally or not, notably underreporting the impact they are having on the environment, and what needs to happen to correct this. Also, we touch on the overwhelming surveillance apparatus that the most populous city in America has built – is it worth it? Finally, we tell you about new medical techniques that are being developed to use the layer just under your skin to diagnose you with potentially greater accuracy and with far less invasiveness than current practices. All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 19, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 Episode Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media Policing Reform Science Social Security Sociology Universal Health Care White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 02/05/2021 – Go Big with Carl Gibson, Ho-hum COVID disaster, ICE has gone rogue

Friend of the program Carl Gibson of​ joins us to discuss how the Democratic Congress and Presidency have an enormous opportunity to make a real difference… or, history shows, be destroyed. Also, Carl tells us how his recent stock purchase is going.

Next, we compare the horrific daily death totals for COVID-19 aren’t making us bat an eye, even as they stack up against and tower over other individual disastrous days in the history of America. We discuss why.

Finally, we review how ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) seems to be operating against orders at virtually every turn since Joe Biden took office, and what effect that is having on innocent lives. All that and more on TMI for Friday, February 5, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Artificial Intelligence Climate Cognition Con artist Episode Equality Fracking Global Politics Media Occupy Wall Street Political Language Populism Predictions Science Ted Cruz WSUM

TMI 01/01/2021 – New Year’s Predictions for 2030, Why We Love Grifters and Ted Cruz is Scum

Continuing a tradition done on TMI first on the 1/1/2011 episode, we are not going to do a Year in Review, but rather we are going to do a decade in review for 2021-2030: checking in with expert opinion on where we can expect to be in 2030 and how we can get there! Why not review the future? We’ve already BEEN through the past! Next, we have a sincere look at why we’re fascinated by grifters; people who play on our trust of our fellow human beings for their own benefit, often at our loss. Despite that, we can’t get enough tales of how they operate. Finally, we see that Ted Cruz and so many others have been honing their griftcraft over the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections, sending out ads and emails, fundraising while proclaiming they need to protect the Senate… without much (or even ANY) of the funds raised going to the Georgia races. All that and more for TMI’s first episode of 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Cognition COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Equality Joe Biden Mental Health Presidential Politics Science Social Security WSUM

TMI 11/20/2020 – Misplaced Blame, COVID Helpline, Brain Fog and Biden Isn’t Enough

With the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it was alarming to see minorities of various kinds being blamed for how close it got in many states between Trump and Biden, as well as for the Senate losses that had been predicted to go the other way. We dissect this, and show just how distorted this kind of blame is, and where it actually belongs.

Then, I go over a new COVID-19 hotline for the city of Madison, one that helps people navigate the financial difficulties the pandemic has wrought. Next, we discuss an alarming symptom of the pandemic that is only now being properly studied: cognitive impairment or “brain fog”. Finally, we go over just how tough a fight we have ahead of us, as Joe Biden’s history shows him to be ill-equipped to handle this moment in history. That means we’ll have to be prepared to make as many end-runs around him and his administration as we can to get things done. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 20, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Joe Biden Mental Health Presidential Politics Psilocybin Science SCOTUS Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 11/13/2020 – Steve Horn on Biden’s Climate, Shrooms Curing Depression, and Trump’s Dangerous Path Forward

On this episode of TMI, friend of the program Steve Horn joins us to discuss what President-elect Joe Biden’s history with climate related issues, and what to watch for as we focus on forcing his hand to help the planet. Then, we discuss how studies are showing that single doses of Psilocybin (“shrooms”) have an immediate and lasting effect on changing the brains of people who suffer from depression. Finally, we find Trump painted into a corner electorally, which means his only options left to retain power are pretty ugly. All that and more on TMI for Friday, November 13th 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!