Bill Barr Comparative Theology Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Media Political Language Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 12/04/2020 – Barr Says No, The God of Einstein, and Unbiased Journalism Requires Truth

On today’s TMI, Attorney General Bill Barr denies Trump’s allegations that there was any electoral or voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the Presidential Election – we discuss. Then, we talk about what kind of God was compatible with a great scientific mind like Einstein: specifically, the God outlined by Baruch Spinoza. It’s not the kind of God you’ll find preached about in almost any church in America, and is compatible with critical thinking, so check it out. Finally, we talk about how giving “both sides” equal time and attention has caused journalism to suffer, due to nothing beyond the fact that far too frequently, only one side is discussing facts (and too often, neither are). Don’t miss this episode of TMI for Friday, December 4, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Cognition COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Equality Joe Biden Mental Health Presidential Politics Science Social Security WSUM

TMI 11/20/2020 – Misplaced Blame, COVID Helpline, Brain Fog and Biden Isn’t Enough

With the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it was alarming to see minorities of various kinds being blamed for how close it got in many states between Trump and Biden, as well as for the Senate losses that had been predicted to go the other way. We dissect this, and show just how distorted this kind of blame is, and where it actually belongs.

Then, I go over a new COVID-19 hotline for the city of Madison, one that helps people navigate the financial difficulties the pandemic has wrought. Next, we discuss an alarming symptom of the pandemic that is only now being properly studied: cognitive impairment or “brain fog”. Finally, we go over just how tough a fight we have ahead of us, as Joe Biden’s history shows him to be ill-equipped to handle this moment in history. That means we’ll have to be prepared to make as many end-runs around him and his administration as we can to get things done. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 20, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Joe Biden Mental Health Presidential Politics Psilocybin Science SCOTUS Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 11/13/2020 – Steve Horn on Biden’s Climate, Shrooms Curing Depression, and Trump’s Dangerous Path Forward

On this episode of TMI, friend of the program Steve Horn joins us to discuss what President-elect Joe Biden’s history with climate related issues, and what to watch for as we focus on forcing his hand to help the planet. Then, we discuss how studies are showing that single doses of Psilocybin (“shrooms”) have an immediate and lasting effect on changing the brains of people who suffer from depression. Finally, we find Trump painted into a corner electorally, which means his only options left to retain power are pretty ugly. All that and more on TMI for Friday, November 13th 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Donald Trump Early Humanity Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics Science WSUM

TMI 11/06/2020 – Post-election Wrap-up, Early Wars of Humanity and Music for the Activist Heart

On today’s episode, you’ll get the wrap-up of the 11/03/2020 election as we know it by time of broadcast. Then, we go over how there are indications that versions of prehistoric humanity (Sapiens and Neanderthal) were at war with each other. Finally, in a rare TMI treat, we go over some tunes you will hear on the broadcast, and what they mean to your humble host. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 06, 2020! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Chile Climate Cognition COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Global Politics Methane Presidential Politics Science WSUM

TMI 10/30/2020 – Astounding Early Voting, New Chilean Constitution, Arctic Ocean Methane, and Brain Mapping

We go over the tremendous early voting that’s occurred in 2020, unprecedented in the history of the United States, and the possible ramifications of it. Then, we talk about how Chileans have managed to not only force a vote on whether or not to completely scrap and remake their nation’s Constitution, but the results of that vote.

Next, we take a look at how frozen methane in the Arctic Ocean is reaching that tipping point, thawing and unleashing tremendous greenhouse gas effects into the planet’s atmosphere. Finally, we talk about human cognitive maps, or specifically HOW the brain maps out memories, time and space.

All this and more on TMI for Friday October 30, 2020! Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Antitrust Apple Artificial Intelligence Billionaires Carl Gibson Court Packing Election Integrity Episode Facebook Google Media Political Language Presidential Politics Science SCOTUS WSUM

TMI 10/24/2020 – Carl Gibson Packs the Courts, Same Words – Different Meaning, and Hey Google, What’s Antitrust?

On this episode of TMI:

Friend of the program Carl Gibson has a new piece out at the Independent called “The most democratic thing Joe Biden could do is pack the courts” – he joins us to discuss why this vilified idea is a good one.

Then, we talk about how the very same words often seem to have two completely different meanings depending on your political viewpoint – could Artificial Intelligence allow computers to help undo this language gridlock?

Finally, we break down the antitrust case being brought down on Google, and examine how other online giants like Amazon, Facebook and others may not be far behind. All this and more on TMI’s special Saturday edition for October 24, 2020 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Black Economy Black Wall Street BLM Donald Trump Episode Equality Homelessness Media Occupy Madison Occupy Wall Street Presidential Politics Tiny Houses WSUM

TMI 10/16/2020 – Occupy the Solution with Brenda Konkel, Create the Institution with Killer Mike, and Smell the Delusion in the Swing States

On this episode of TMI:

Homelessness plagues America, and Madison, Wisconsin is no exception to the issue. Candidates and office-holders bemoan the problem, but a true SOLUTION is being put forward by Occupy Madison. Brenda Konkel joins us to share what OM’s plans are for their SECOND Tiny Home village, an improvement over their already successful FIRST one – listen in, and find out what it means to take action!

Then – it’s known that the longer money stays within a community, the better that community does financially. While a dollar spent in the white-owned economy stays active for weeks, a dollar spent in the black community leaves within just six hours. Enter Killer Mike and his backers, creating Greenwood Bank, a black-owned institution that will help give black and latinx people an even playing field in the economy.

Finally, we hear about how important “swing states” are  in the Presidential election, but we don’t often explore how polluted with misinformation these places can be. We explore this, and much more on TMI for Friday, October 16, 2020! Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Boomers Common Dreams COVID-19 Donald Trump Episode Movies Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 10/09/2020 – Trump’s Aging Support, A Grim Curtain Call, and Aldous’ Common Dream

On today’s episode of TMI:

Noticed initially a few months back, President Trump’s support among one of the GOP’s most staunch base, white people over 60, seems to be declining. We examine what this might mean for November 3rd.

Then, we talk about what has been happening among the movie industry this year, something we’ve been told has been on the decline now for years. Is the era of GOING to the movies over? We discuss.

Finally, yours truly has an OpEd published on Common Dreams this week, all about recognizing the patterns of history in this election enough to step outside, and with luck, change them. We go through that piece, making sure to highlight what’s important. All this and MORE on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, October 9th, 2020, airing at 5pm Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison, WI or listen below! Tune in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Civil War COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics Science WSUM

TMI 10/02/2020 – Badger Seal that Mask, WI Voter Purge, Trump’s Orders, and Nuclear Fusion

The University of Wisconsin – Madison’s own engineers pioneered the badger shield and badger shield plus early on in the pandemic to help increase the safety of essential workers, and now they’ve come up with a way to make all face masks much more efficient in the fight against COVID-19. Check it out!

Then, we discuss the voter purge effort that sits in front of Wisconsin’s notoriously conservative Supreme Court, before diving into the presidential debate that Trump used as a platform to issue orders to the Proud Boys.

Finally, nuclear fusion, an energy technology that’s always been decades in the future may finally be within our grasp! All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 2, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Carl Gibson Civil War COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 09/25/2020 – Carl Gibson Declares Second Civil War, Gov Evers Declares New Emergency, Wargaming Strategist Declares Dismay

Friend of TMI Carl Gibson joins us to discuss his piece at Free Chicken and Beer, entitled “Civil War II is Already Underway”, and how we need to fight to preserve the Union.

Then, we cover Governor Evers’ latest COVID-19 Emergency Order, and why it is we can’t seem to just cooperate to flatten the curve.

Finally, we discuss a piece from wargame designer (and military history buff) Mike Selinker that defines four possible outcomes of November’s Presidential election, and he agrees with Carl Gibson: it looks like civil war to him. All this and more on this episode of TMI for Friday, September 25th, 2020. Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!