2021 Capitalism Capitol Building Attack CDC COVID-19 Critical Race Theory CRT Episode History Insurrection January 6 Political Language QAnon Riot Science WSUM

TMI 12/31/2021 – GOP Used CRT Used as Distraction in 2021, CDC Sides with Money over Science, the USA is Due for a Rebirth for the Fifth Time, More

Eschewing the ordinary year-in-review, we go over the events of 2021 that are actually worth reviewing. This includes CRT protests being used as a distraction from how the January 6th investigation was not going well for the GOP, how many more people were getting badly affected by the climate crisis, and that there was no room in the debate for helping people out financially – oh no, they wanted you to look away from all of that in order to see them roaring over how “critical race theory teaches our children to hate America”. Look for Black History Month protests this coming February.

Then, we examine the pro-corporate and flawed guidance given by the CDC regarding shortening the guidelines for COVID isolation, declaring “we can’t take science in a vacuum”… because what about the MONEY??, the science be damned. Finally, we look at how the USA had been reborn in essence four times since its foundation, and how we are due for a fifth one any day now. All that and more on TMI for Friday, December 31, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

ACEP Attack Capitalism Capitol Building Attack Congress Conspiracy theories Corporate Malfeasance Donald Trump Election Integrity Emergency Room Episode ER Fascism GOP House of Representatives Insurrection January 6 National Guard Nazi Presidential Politics Proud Boys QAnon Riot Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 10/29/2021 – Trump Administration and GOP Congressional Connections to Jan 6th Capitol Attack Confirmed, and how the ACEP Profiteers off of ER Visits

Rolling Stone published a blockbuster investigation that directly connects a number of GOP Congresspeople and the Trump Administration itself to the planning of the Capitol Attack of January 6th, 2021 – we go over the report in detail.

Then, if you wondered how Emergency Room visits get to be so expensive, a lobbying group called the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) have spent decades now twisting the regulations and then flouting even THOSE to make an illegal profit for the capitalists who back it. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 29, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Capitol Building Attack Coal war Conspiracy theories COVID-19 disinformation Donald Trump Episode Homelessness January 6 misinformation Proud Boys Riot union Vaccination WSUM

TMI 10/01/2021 – Amazon’s Company Town Solution is a Horrible Idea, COVID-19 Killing More US Conservatives Than Ever, Trump’s Lawsuit to Hide from January 6, 2021

Amazon says it has the perfect solution to the housing crisis: why not let them house their workers in affordable housing near their workplaces, allowing them to also help control costs by supplying transportation, food, and other needs? Why? Oh, we’ll tell you, and the answer is to be found in the old classic “Sixteen Tons”.

Then, COVID-19’s path of death has shifted its focus: as more of your centrist-to-leftward population in America has gotten vaccinated versus the conservative side, more US conservatives are finding themselves hospitalized by the “hoax”, with no few of them dying of it. Finally, we look at how Trump is suing to try and keep White House records from January 6th, 2021 from investigators into the Capitol Attack. Nothing suspicious there. All that and much more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, October 1, 2021. Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cannabis Legaliziation COVID-19 Derek Chauvin disinformation Episode Equality Fascism First Amendment George Floyd Mass Shootings Media National Guard Police Brutality Policing Reform Political Language Riot White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 04/23/2021 – George Floyd’s Murderer Faces Historic Verdict, BLM Protestors Falsely Arrested 90% of the Time, Ever’s Budget Legalizes Cannabis, Mass Shootings Begin Again

The Minneapolis Police Officer who murdered George Floyd, as captured on live video, (whose name I use as little as possible) faced a historic verdict as all three charges came down as Guilty. We examine just how unprecedented the verdict was and how that directly shows how deeply corrupted and harmful our current system of policing is.

Then, we investigate how, across the USA, BLM protestors were arrested without cause or evidence simply to create the false impression that the protests were unlawful and in need of such inhumane tactics as tear gas and rubber bullets. Then, we talk about Governor Evers’ budget for the State of Wisconsin which includes legalizing cannabis and reforming the troubled youth prison system. Finally we touch on the sad correlation between the ending of stay-at-home orders and the sudden return of mass shootings. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 23, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

2021 Attack Big Ag Big Oil Capitol Building Attack Climate COVID-19 DAPL Deb Haaland Democratic Party Donald Trump Episode Equality Insurrection Joe Biden Kamala Harris KeystoneXL Line 3 National Guard Native Americans Pentagon Political Language Riot Sociology WSUM

TMI 01/29/2021 – Deb Haaland vs. Big Oil, Big Ag vs. Democratic Victory, Trump’s Pentagon Withheld the Guard, and Undercounting COVID

Native American tribes have been brutalized, subjugated, cheated and mistreated by the Federal Government of the United States since the very beginning. With the nomination of Rep. Deb Haaland (D – NM), an enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe, to the office of Secretary of the Interior things could be looking up for tribal peoples of USA, and looking dicey for their latest abuser, Big Oil. We discuss.

Then, we explore how it is that agricultural states like Wisconsin used to be reliably Democratic in their voting patterns, but have since found their rural areas turning solidly Republican – and what the Democratic Party has the unique opportunity to do RIGHT NOW to get them back into the fold.

Next, we examine new evidence that shows that the DC National Guard was withheld from protecting the Capitol Building on January 6th from the highest levels, DAYS in advance of the event! Finally, we look at the startling under-counting of COVID-19 deaths in America, and show where in America this phenomenon is at its worst. All that and more more on TMI for Friday, January 29, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Attack Climate COVID-19 Election Integrity Episode Fascism Finite Worry Google Insurrection Media Presidential Politics Proud Boys Riot Sociology WSUM

TMI 01/08/2021 – How the Capitol Attack Reverberated Elsewhere, Does the Climate Have a Finite Pool of Worry, Google Gets a Union, and some Truths 2020 Left Us With

On today’s episode of TMI:

The attack on the Capitol Building, spurred by noneother than Donald Trump himself, was a day of disaster in DC, but had consequences that reached far further. A friend in Connecticut sends in her striking tale of how events that transpired for her that same day, many miles away, were phantoms of the brutal riot happening in Washington.

Next, we examine how a study over how concerned people are about the Climate Crisis was able to serendipitously discover if something as worrisome as the pandemic can crowd out Climate worry. It’s a test of the Finite Pool of Worry theory, be sure to listen in!

Then, Google has had a Union form within its ranks, but there’s something different and frankly revolutionary about it – find out what.

Finally, we see that 2020, harsh a year as it was, has left us with several gems of insight that we need to carry with us from now on. All that and more on TMI for Friday, January 8th, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!