Episode Global Politics Henry Kissinger Homelessness Housing Crisis Immune System Jacobin Jeff Bezos Jessica Wildfire Jonah Walters OK Doomer WSUM

TMI 12/08/2023 – “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger” with Jonah Walters, Jeff Bezos’ Jekyll-and-Hyde on Homelessness, Jessica Wildfire’s Guide to the Immune System and more

We welcome Jonah Walters of Jacobin Magazine to discuss the new book he co-edited, “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger”, and go over the broad influence Kissinger wove around the world in his over 100 years of life. You won’t want to miss this, or the new book, which is available via

Then we expose how Jeff Bezos’ donations to organizations fighting homelessness across the USA sets up a horrific contrast to his 400% larger investment in a company that will make the housing crisis here WORSE. Finally, we check in on Jessica Wildfire’s OK Doomer, to find that she’s compiled a truly useful list of what we need to keep our immune systems strong in the face of rampant disease. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 08, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COP28 Drug Prices Episode Formularies PBM Pharmacy Benefits Manager UAE United Arab Emirates United Nations WSUM

TMI 12/01/2023 – UN Climate Conference COP28’s Hosting Nations Use It to Leverage More Fossil Fuel, The Key Role Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) Play in Skyrocketing Drug Prices and more

The COP28 Climate Conference, the United Nations 28th annual meeting to try to coordinate efforts to mitigate the Climate Crisis found itself being used by the nation hosting it to secure MORE fossil fuel production. We go over how there seems virtually NO difference between big oil corporations and nations that rely on oil income when it comes to just how low they will go.

Then, we peel back the veneer on PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Manager organizations) and how, unlike their original intention when they were created in the 1960s, they play a key role in reducing their members’ access to life saving medications and are a key part of why the prices for those pills keep climbing. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 01, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Black Friday Episode WSUM

TMI 11/24/2023 – The Actual Origin of “Black Friday” and How it Has Nothing to Do with Profit, More

The retail establishment has long enjoyed spreading the myth that until the day after Thanksgiving each year, they are “in the red”, or that they haven’t made any total profit for the year until that very day. According to this, it is called “Black Friday” as that is when they are finally “in the black” financially, but that is far from the actual origin of the term. We go over how a certain football game’s annual happening gave rise to it, and much more on this relaxed edition of TMI for “Black Friday”, November 24, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BCBSM Blue Cross Blue Shield COVID-19 Cows Episode Gretchen Whitmer Immune System Media Mental Health Tuberculosis Volcanoes WSUM

TMI 11/17/2023 – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan vs. Mental Health Care, How Tuberculosis Used COVID to Soften Us Up, How to Put Sensational Headlines About Volcanoes (and Cows) in Context and more

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the largest health insurer in the state, has successfully stalled legislation that would force it to pay for medically necessary mental health care. We look at who this affects and how Governor Whitmer is closely tied to BCBSM.

Then, the much-derided early reports that COVID could weaken our immune systems and make other diseases far harder to avoid have been vindicated, and tuberculosis is ready to take advantage of our collectively weakened condition. Finally, we look at how the common media loves to scare us over things that are not so bad when in proper context, making it more difficult to discern real issues. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 17, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Anthropomorphic Bill McKibben Episode Green Manufacturing Joe Biden LNG Salt Cycle WSUM

TMI 11/10/2023 – Earth’s Salt Cycle Has Been Thrown Off Balance, Bill McKibben on Biden’s Environmental Political Opportunity, the Struggle of Making Heavy Equipment Green and more

Just when you’ve firmly wrapped your head around how human activity has upset the climate, causing a crisis in the skies, a new report tells us how, thanks to human activities, the amount of salts on the Earth’s surface are dramatically out of proportion to what would naturally be there without our digging it up, causing further environmental calamity.

Then, Bill McKibben wrote a piece on how President Joe Biden could help not only the planet but his own re-election prospects by NOT allowing new LNG projects to be completed along the Gulf coast. Finally, we look at the struggle of making manufacturing processes “green”. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 10, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Abortion AI Episode Health Insurance Health Network One Joe Biden Leonardo Leo Medicaid Roe v. Wade SCOTUS WSUM

TMI 11/03/2023 – Leonardo Leo Funds Anti-Abortion in Ohio and Beyond, Biden Admin Executive Order Takes On AI, Health Network One Reinvents Profiting Off the Helpless and more

If you’ve never heard of Leonardo Leo and you believe that everyone, uterus-bearing or not, has the right to full bodily autonomy and access to health care (including abortion), then strap yourself in while I give you a quick tour of one of the biggest funders behind the SCOTUS majority that overturned Roe v. Wade and behind fighting Ohio from enacting a State Constitutional Amendment protecting abortion rights.

Then, in an enormous executive order, the Biden Administration is attempting to rein in AI before it is too late on a number of fronts – we examine the effort. Finally, we show how Health Network One has devised a NEW way to take public Medicaid money from Florida while giving Medicaid members WORSE coverage, all in the name of more profits! All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 03, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Acapulco Climate Eli Pariser Episode Facebook Filter Bubble Google Hurricane Otis Meta Spotify TikTok WSUM YouTube

TMI 10/27/2023 – Filter Bubble Redux: How Pariser’s Predictions Fell Short of the Real Outcome, Hurricane Otis Punctuates Release of New Climate Crisis Report, more

Back near the beginning of TMI with Aldous Tyler in 2010, we reported on Eli Pariser’s Ted Talk that introduced the world to the “Filter Bubble”. This phenomenon, he said, was caused by Google’s search algorithms, which would selectively feed you results similar to ones you had interacted with before. That would cause your Google searches to no longer match anyone else’s, and would feed you ideas you agreed with far more than those that would challenge your beliefs. Fast forward to today, and his predictions that this “echo chamber” effect could negatively impact society seem far too mild. We discuss how TikTok, Spotify, YouTube, Meta’s platforms and many others have stanched the flow of ideas and how to fight back.

Then, as I was preparing to tell you about the latest report from scientists on the climate, noting that we may very well have gone past several tipping points, Hurricane Otis became a demonstration of how we are in unknown territory by unprecedently ramping up from a weak tropical storm to a 165 MPH monster Category 5 hurricane in roughly 24 hours, slamming into the Acapulco area with no warning to evacuate the million-plus people there. We discuss how this alarming development might become the new normal. All that and more on TMI for Friday, October 27, 2023 – get YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Best of TMI Big Oil Bureau of Indian Affairs Charles Koch Climate Documentary Episode Greg Palast Killers of the Flower Moon Long Knife Native Americans Oklahoma Osage WSUM

TMI 10/20/2023 – BEST OF TMI – “Until They KILLED Them.” – Long Knife: Osage Oil and the New Trail of Tears w/ Greg Palast – Oil, Greed, Murder, Racism, Climate Crisis and more

A tremendous amount of oil was discovered on the land belonging to the Osage Nation of Oklahoma. They were the richest people on Earth… until oil-greedy people KILLED them. But who? How did they get away with it?

Investigative reporter Greg Palast has been on the hunt for this story for THREE decades! Where “KIllers of the Flower Moon” starring Leonardo DiCaprio ends, Greg Palast’s explosive documentary begins. Find out how the people behind the murder and the theft used that stolen money to help cripple climate change legislation for decades, and so much more! All that and more on TMI for Friday, October 20, 2023 – get YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Follow Greg Palast for more details, and to find out when the Long Knife documentary releases!

Denver Donald Trump Episode Fascism Federal Communications Commission Homelessness Housing Crisis Nutritional Decline Space Junk Universal Basic Income WSUM

TMI 10/13/2023 – Denver’s Basic Income Experiment Shows Remarkable Results, Analysis of Fascism From 1939 Overlays Perfectly on Trump, Plants Have Lost Nutritional Value Over Past 50 Years, First Space Junk Fine and more

It’s Friday the 13th, but even more terrifying is the prospect of being homeless in the USA – but there are real solutions being researched, finally! Denver, Colorado has been testing the actual impact of cash payments with no strings attached, and the results show a true way forward.

Next, an analysis of how fascism can be nurtured and grown from eighty years ago just so happens to perfectly encapsulate Trump’s entire strategy, and paints a dark view of the coming election year if we aren’t careful. Then we look at how fruits and vegetables have lost nutritional value over the years, and find out exactly what the culprits are. Finally, we note that the FCC has issued the first ever fine to a corporation for “space junk”. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 13, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Anthem Blue Cross Brewster Kahle Copyright Episode Humana Internet Archive Libraries Medicare Medicare Advantage UnitedHealth WSUM

TMI 10/06/2023 – Corporate “Medicare Advantage” Plans Bilk Billions from the Government, The Internet Archive’s Loss in Court Could Also Be Our Loss and more

Starting back in 2003, private health coverage companies like UnitedHealth, Anthem Blue Cross, Humana and others were allowed to offer “Medicare Advantage” plans to senior citizens and the disabled who qualified for Medicare. Since then, those corporations have figured out how to lie, cheat and swindle the US Government for well over $100,000,000,000.00 – we’re talking the level of the net worth of people like Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos – every YEAR, all while providing their members WORSE health outcomes that cost them MORE. We investigate.

Then, the Internet Archive has been an online library for years now, but when founder Brewster Kahle decided he’d help people suffering via COVID lockdown by releasing all constraints on the Internet Archive’s access to copyrighted works, publishing houses sued, and WON. We look at how this loss could spell the end of libraries as we have known them. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 06, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!